Methods and the art of using elements in a design is up to a designer’s wish. The techniques and combinational application of these elements, resulting, compositions bring out the final
look and feel of the creation or art on any surface, irrespective of the material used. Such main primary design elements are explained bellow.

Means the equal distribution of objects, color, texture and space in a design. When a design is well balances, we feel the stability of the left, right and center of the picture.

In such designs or arts are equally and perfectly balanced towards the left and right sides. If you happen to fold such a picture into two, both sides would be similar to mirror images.
In these arts and designs although there is somewhat of balance, it is not a perfect balance, the deviation may be of closure, shading, size, distance…etc.


Movement makes our eyes move when we look at an art or design. Movement creates eye travel within an art by harmonizing unity. The techniques of repetition, rhythm and action can be used to achieve this impression.

Movement via action

Action can create movement. We are forced to imply and achieve the feeling of action in 2Ddesigns and arts. A painting can create life only by implying action within the work of art. One may use movements, size, shades and colors, distances to achieve the final impression.

Similar colors, shapes, designs, lines which are repeated to make a pattern or an artwork


The technique of repetition is used in a certain flow of intervals mostly, to achieve rhythm. It can bring movements, patterns and textures into life. Rhythm falls into three main categories as regular, flowing, progressive.

Emphasis & Focal Point
Gives importance or the focal point or few points of a design or artwork. This way emphasized factors attract attention to the needed items or areas.

Focal Point through Contrast

Focus point ca be achieved by applying contrast techniques to the necessary points or areas.
Absence of Focal Point
The presence of a focal point is always not a necessity.

A minimal design which is very basic brings simplicity. It avoids un-necessary and un important details, concentrating only on the important factors. This is the key to good effective designs.

The one and only irregular or highlighted item, stands out from the rest of the contents of the designed artwork. This can be shown by color, size, scale differences.

Proportion & Scale

All sizes of items should be according to a scale or a gauge against the natural sizes of a landscape or any other item or any living thing. Otherwise the elements in a picture would be out of proportion and look abnormal as per the given pictures bellow.

Means perfect agreement between all elements and parts of a design or an art, bringing in balance, peace, blending in the picture. Nothing stands out and nothing is left out.

Unity Is the relationship among the elements of a visual that helps all the elements functioning together. Unity is when the elements in a space combine to make a balanced, harmonies complete Whole. The space feels right and everything works together. The result is a pleasing feeling, that everything is right with the final look and feel. Unity of design is planned and controlled by an artist.

Gestalt is a psychology term which means ‘Unified Whole’. It refers to theories of ‘Visual perception’ developed by German psychologist in the 1920s.These theories attend to describe how people tend to organize visual elements into groups or unified Wholes when certain principles are applied.
The eye differentiates an object from its surrounding area. A form or shape is naturally perceived as FIGURE (object), while the surrounding area is perceived as GROUND (background).

Which of these two pictures are easier to remember ?
The one on the left is seen as a whole room. The one on the right is split into it’s parts.

Gestalt means when parts taken individually connects to the whole.

Gestalt means ‘Organized Whole’

Figure & Ground

Balancing figure (fore ground) and ground (Back ground) can make the understanding of an image clearer.

In these pictures or designs you find objects or sub-object groups that have the same characteristics, as shown below. The first picture has similar leaves with similar lines and shapes, the second has similar shapes of a fish which makes an entirely different pattern when put together.

In the midst of many items or objects, one object is different to all others, thereby attracting the focus on to it. This difference can be gained by using color, size, shape, distance, angle etc.

This impression is given by putting the objects or elements close together. It gives the feeling of a group or one object altogether. In proximity, all objects need not be similar, they may be different to each other.

Closure can be implied by indicating enough of the space being enclosed. The balance incomplete o open area is easily completed visually by the mind of the observer.

Makes the eye go from one object to another, by guiding the visual track through lines or curves or waves etc.